
Basic course

Workshop training facilities: polypectomy/mucosectomy from the stomach to the colon

Stomach model characteristics:

same version as in the basic course.

In addition, numerous polyps are imitated during the preparation of the stomach specimens. The biological tissue in the specimens conducts electricity in the familiar way. As soon as a neutral electrode is attached to the outer wall of the stomach specimen, polyps and injected mucosal areas can be ablated with the polypectomy loop in the normal way.

Colon model characteristics:

In the colonoscopy course, we use a cleansed colon specimen into which polyps have been sutured at various points. The specimen’s circumanal skin rosette is attached to the model’s anal canal with holding sutures. The colon is then firmly sutured to the model’s retroperitoneal interior shape at various points along its three-dimensional course, so that flexures and loops of varying difficulty are created. This makes it possible to provide examination routes up to the ileocecal valve with varying grades of difficulty. With the elasticity of biological tissue, air insufflation and stretching of the colon function in a realistic way. Polypectomy, using current and loops, is carried out in the same way as in the gastric specimen.